It sure looks that way. Harvard's motto is Veritas, which doesn't just mean truth, it was the Roman goddess of truth who was kept hidden in a well. They represent this on their shield as three books, with the last one being upside down, as if to say that they have secrets they don't want us to know about. Even their website offers no explanation for what the three books represent, or why one is upside-down. Later versions show all three books as right-side up, but this was clearly not the case originally. The first known sketch of this shield is said to have been found by Josiah Quincy in 1836.

Harvard also runs the world's largest Brain Bank where they admit to removing the pineal glands from the brains, calling them "key structures" in this article but they don't say what they do with them. This 1914 article called A Food That Does Away With Youth talks about eating pineal glands and likens them to "food of the gods." It also has an illustration called Victims of Moloch. I believe that the real forbidden fruit from the Bible that Satan wanted Eve to eat is a pineal gland, which I wrote about here. Harvard says that they keep over 7,000 brains for Autism and Alzheimer's research, which has apparently been woefully ineffective as the rates of Autism Alzheimer's continue to soar. It's almost as if these "elites" don't really want to figure out what's causing these diseases, or where the mercury and aluminum being found in the brains of these people could possibly be coming from since it couldn't possibly be from vaccines that contain mercury and aluminum according to them. Around 99% of ingested aluminum is not absorbed in the intestines and is excreted as waste, so what's really going on here? In my opinion, it doesn't take a brain surgeon, or a Brain Bank with 7,000 brains to figure it out. I think there is a good possiblity that satanic "elites" are EATING the pineal glands that they admit to harvesting, like they have admitted to doing with babies because it pleases their god, Lucifer. Satan is the new name given to Lucifer after he fell from the heavens to earth, which is used by Christians, but satanists seem to prefer to call him Lucifer. In this 2004 60 Minutes segment called America's Deep, Dark Secret, former Fernald School inmate, Joe Almeida, tells Bob Simon how he had to slice up the brains of the children who died there and mount them on slides for "research" that was never done and wonders what it was all for. Bob Simon even calls this "the fruits of his labor." Maybe it was really the forbidden fruits of his labor.

What does this have to do with child trafficking, you ask? Everything, because it's all satanism. These "elites" need children for their rituals. The word, elite, is nothing more than a word to describe Canaanitess who worship El and sacrifice children. Deuteronomy 20:17 says that they should be completely destroyed. Harvard released a 27 page report on why Epstein had an office there for ten years after his 2008 conviction that produces more questions than answers. It's incredibly sketchy. He worked under the Program for Evolutionary Dynamics (PED), which reminds me of the "evolution" that Barbara Marx Hubbard talked about in this video that she said is affected by "the babies we eat, the food we eat, [and the] wars we fight." She also said that her god put her people in charge of depopulation for "planet earth." What do they call the Program for Evolutionary Dynamic's office? PEDO? What do they call their files? PEDO files? Or maybe just PED files.

Beth Dozoretz is another sketchy person in my opinion who is a friend of the Clintons. She was the former finance chair for the DNC. She also worked at Harvard and ran the Art in Embassies Program, which according to this article, was shipping children in crates labeled as "live art" to satanic elites. Bill Clinton pardoned her criminal ex husband, Marc Rich, on his last day in office, like he did for convicted domestic terrorist, Susan Rosenberg, who now helps run Black Lives Matter. He did this at the request of Jerry Nadler. Dozoretz donated 400,000 to the Clinton Library according to this article in Time. The Dearman children, who gave testimony to London police about satanic rituals in what is now called the Hampstead Hoax, said that the babies they saw being sacrificed were being delivered via the "post" (office). It should be called the Hampstead Coverup because I believe that these children were telling the truth. If not, then their testimony was so believable that they deserve acting awards (video). I don't believe that the Wayfair scandal was a hoax either. The "official story" is that Wayfair was selling cabinets for tens of thousands of dollars because they were "industrial quality" and that it's just a coincidence that they were being named after missing children. Let's not forget the Podesta brothers who worked for the Clintons either. What the hell is going on here? Hillary Clinton allegedly ate the pineal gland of the girl in the alleged Frazzledrip video and called it "witches candy." Here's a video of her and Stephen Colbert at the Carnegie Deli where they serve "sandwiches as big as a baby's head." Wow. Why would anyone say it that way? And what's really in the bottle of "hot sauce" that she carries in her purse? Adrenochrome? Her "cold chai" was clearly spiked with something (video). Madonna appears to be an adrenochrome addict too in this video and this is probably why they both pretend to be helping poor black kids in Haiti and Malawi. It's said that black kids produce the best adrenochrome. I think it's possibly that JFK's "Addison's Disease" could have been due to adrenochrome use because it's a disease where you're adrenal glands essentially shut down and that's what happens to adrenochrome users.

In case you don't think satanic elites eating babies is a real thing, here's a video of a girl who called herself Theresa on 60 Minutes Australia talking about how she had seven abortions performed on her by a Luciferian cult by age 15 so that the babies could be eaten by her and the other cult members. She said that they did this to please Lucifer. And here's a video of Vicki Polin telling Oprah that some Jews, but not all of them, sacrifice and eat babies for "power" in satanic rituals. Let's not forget Israel's Stolen Babies Affair either where thousands of babies were stolen from Yemenite mothers in Israeli hospitals after being told that their baby had died. The New York Times theorizes that the babies were stolen so they could be "adopted by childless Ashkenazi couples," but I don't think that's what happened. Only one or two people out of thousands have come forward to say that they were one of these stolen babies and no one seems to know what happened to the rest of them, but I think I know.