I think I could talk about Underdog all day—It was my favorite cartoon as a kid—but the main point I want to try to make is that its evil villain, Simon Bar Sinister, was clearly inspired by Israel's first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, in my opinion. I think the resemblance is uncanny.
There is also a episode called The Bubbleheads where the Emperor and Empress bear a striking resemblance to both David and Paula Ben-Gurion. In that episode, they had their scientists create a tsunami weapon that they wanted to use to take over the "Land People." Their scientists also tried to create an Earthquake Weapon, but it didn't work, so the scientists who were working on it were killed by being fed to a giant clam.
Simon Bar Sinister had weapons that he used for mind control and weather control featured in the Phoney Phone Booths, Weathering the Storm and Go Snow episodes. In the Weathering the Storm episode, he was trying to use weather control to "rule the world", which is reminiscent of LBJ's weather control speech in 1962 where he says, "He who controls, the weather, will control the world." Both JFK and LBJ met with Ben-Gurion, and spoke about weather control. Here is a link to JFK's weather control speech.
Underdog had a doppelganger named Tap Tap, and JFK had a doppelganger named J.D. Tippit, who was also shot in the head and killed on the day that JFK was assassinated. There is an unconfirmed rumor that JFK and Tippit's bodies were switched, and that Tippit's body is buried at Arlington National Cemetery and that JFK's body was kept as a trophy by his real assassins.
There was also an episode called Simon Says No Thanksgiving where Simon Bar Sinister tries to cancel Thanksgiving, but as far as I know, it's still on for this year. I just noticed that there's another episode called The Magnet Men, which sounds like the people who are becoming magnetic now after getting a Covid shot. The two different opening intro sequences are full of symbolism too, but I'll save the details of that for another post. In the original one, there is a giant who crushes the phone booth containing Underdog and has blood on his hands, which I think is very symbolic when you realize what the giant represents, and that Underdog represents JFK. The later intro sequence features Simon Bar Sinister in a tank that resembles a crab, which grabs and crushes Sweet Polly Purebred, who I believe represents Marilyn Monroe.