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Writer's pictureJames Geis

Masonic Ritual Sodomy in the Marine Corps

According to Kay Griggs, former wife of Marine Corps Colonel, George Griggs, Marines who are promoted to the rank of "full bird" Colonel have to participate in Masonic Ritual Sodomy in a coffin. She says that they get drunk first. Skull and Bones members allegedly do this too. This article says that the initiation ceremony for Skull and Bones members includes getting naked in a coffin an revealing their sexual history, but maybe it's more than that. Kay Griggs said that Marines who do this are called "Cherry Marines." The Marine Corps was founded in 1775 in a tavern, called Tun Tavern, that also served as a Masonic Lodge. To me this begs the question: Why did Cunninham Field, named after the first Marine Corps Aviator, A.A. Cunninham, change its name to Cherry Point shortly after being commissioned in 1942 as Cunninham Field? Wikipedia has this to say about it: "On May 20, 1942, the facility was commissioned Cunningham Field, named in honor of the Marine Corps' first aviator, Lieutenant Colonel Alfred A. Cunningham. The completed facility was later renamed Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, after a local post office situated among cherry trees."

That makes no sense to me unless Cunningham was involved in a scandal, but we wasn't. It essentially amounts to a slap in the face to him and the honor in which he served the Marine Corps and his country. In my opinion, the base logo for Cherry Point resembles the depiction of the Rape of Ganymede by Zeus that I wrote about in an earlier post. Zeus was often represented by an eagle, like the insignia for "full bird" Colonel. I've often wondered why some career Marine officers, like A.A. Cunninham, never got past the rank of Lt. Col. Maybe part of the reason is because they didn't want to participate in Ritual Sodomy in order to get promoted.

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