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Writer's pictureJames Geis

Why haven't we been "back" to the moon? Buzz Aldrin says, "Because we didn't go there."

Updated: Mar 8, 2023

Why has nobody been to the moon in such a long time? Is it because "we destroyed that technology", or because "we didn't go there." Those are the reasons given by NASA Astronauts Don Pettit, and Buzz Aldrin. Buzz Aldrin also told Conan O'Brien that what people thought was TV footage of the Moon Landing was just "animations" because there were no TV cameras on the moon.

Pay attention to the parabolic trajectory and how the sky turns from blue to black and back to blue again. Jeff Bezos sent a team to recover the Apollo 11 rocket engines from the floor of the Atlantic in 2013. Did the rest of it go there too?

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