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Writer's pictureJames Geis

Pineal gland gang signs

Updated: Nov 14, 2023

It's been said that Conspiracy Theorists are just people with good pattern recognition. The views I'm expressing are just my opinions based on the patterns that I see. I'm posting this not to make accusations, but to compare notes with other people and to share ideas. I think that these criss-cross hand gestures and symbols mean something to certain people. My guess it that it's a pineal gland reference based on the context in which it's used and because it mimics the texture of a pineal gland. Pineal glands were referred to as "scientific food" and "food of the Gods" in a 1914 article called A Food That Does Away With Youth, in what I consider to be a clever, but sick pun. This is also something that I've written about in this post. Morley Safer has a pretty obvious forbidden fruit reference in the graphic behind him, which I also believe is a metaphor for pineal glands, which I wrote about in another post. The image of him is a screenshot from a 60 Minutes segment called, The Flavorists, which talks about food "scientists" who are searching for elusive chemical flavors to add to food products to make the products more addictive, but I think that they may have already found the "ultimate" addictive flavor as evidenced by the symbolism that is clearly being displayed.

This mural is from a movie called Midsommar. The symbol at the top is said to be an old hälsinge symbol that represents the "life cycle," which obviously includes death. The painting appears to depict a ritual that includes sex and death.

This photo is the Belmont Hill Boat Club. I grew up in Belmont, and I believe that Belmont Hill could easily be a center for this type of activity based on things I know about the town and weird things that I've seen and had happen to me, or almost happen to me, like an attempted kidnapping on me when I was nine years old. It is home to the "world's largest Brain Bank" where thousands are brains are kept for research after the pineal glands are removed, which I wrote about in this post. They never do mention what happens to the pineal glands after they are removed from the brains. The red stripe on the Marine Corps Dress Blue uniform is called a "blood stripe," but I'm sure that it's just a decoration on their roof without any other hidden meaning behind it, just like I'm sure that the giant-sized lattice motif surely must be another coincidence, along with the blacked-out windows.

This blue and gold logo is for the William Morris talent agency founded by Zelman Moses that created the cesspool of pedophilia that we call Hollywood. Holly wood is the type of wood that's used to make magic wands. "Famous" Wally Amos used to work as a talent agent at William Morris before he got into the cookie-making business. I wonder what the secret to his success was, or if he used any secret ingredients.

There is also this very strange Keebler commercial that says, "Thanks to extreme elfin generosity, Chips Deluxe have chocolate in every bite." I don't believe in elves. I think that the idea of elves was invented as a euphemism for children. That includes you too, Santa Claus. Look up the Kinderfresser statue if you're skeptical.

This painting is called Bilderbogen by Paul Klee. It was shown in the music video for the song, Let's Dance, by David Bowie, which mentions red shoes several times, which is something else that I've written about in this post. The video also featured Picasso's Three Dancers painting, which Picasso said represented a "dance of death," and Wikipedia says "links love, sex, and death in an ecstatic dance," which also appears to be what the Midsommar image represents. The figures in the William Morris logo appear to be dancing barefoot in yet another coincidence. Let me know your thoughts.

Update 11/13/2023:

I just found an image of Dagon with this criss-cross pattern that helps to confirm my suspicions about what it means. It looks a lot like an image of the Anunnaki who are clearly offering pineal glands to their god, Anu, in my opinion. It aslo has a peacock in it, like the pineal gland statue at the Vatican. I'm not even going to call it a pine cone, because it's a pineal gland in my opinion. I believe that the face on the fountain at the bottom is Nimrod, because Dante makes this reference to Nimrod in The Divine Comedy:

His face appeared to me as long and large As is at Rome the pine-cone of Saint Peter's.

Dagon and Nimrod could also refer to the same entity, but I'm not sure. All of this kind of freaks me out a little bit because my son finger painted a very good representation of an Eye of Horus as a two year old having never seen one, so it's almost as if we have this stuff imprinted in our DNA somehow.

Even the John McLean Society uses this lattice symbol because we're too stupid to figure it out apparently. McLean Hospital is home to the world's largest brain bank, and removes the pineal glands and pituitary glands from the brains before they store the brains for "research," but they don't say what they do with what they call these "key structures" in this article.

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Descartes believed the pineal gland is the seat of the soul. Why? It is the only unpaired part of the brain.

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