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The case for alien reptillian humanoids living among us

Writer's picture: James GeisJames Geis

Updated: Sep 23, 2023

It sounds crazy, right? You can't even say, "alien reptillian humanoid" to someone without them going into what appears to be a state of hypnosis to block out information that they don't want to think about, or have been programmed not to think about, like when you talk about chemtrails, which they should be able to see with their own eyes, but somehow can't. I've witnessed this phenomenon several times when talking to people. Their brains seem to click off and you know that their brain is not processing anything that you're saying. It's been said that 2% of people cannot be hynotized. I'm not saying that I believe in alien reptillian humanoids, just that I think that there is too much evidence to ignore, and that people like James Forrestal and Phil Schneider died mysteriously after trying to reveal what they knew about it.

James Forrestal was Secretary of the Navy under President Truman, and was promoted to Secretary of Defense in September, 1947, two months after the Roswell Incident. He allegedly wanted information about this to be released to the American people before suffering from "exhaustion" and "mental health issues." He was also against US support for the creation of the State of Israel, which happened in May 1948, a year before his death from "suicide." He said that being an ally of Israel would hurt our relationships with other Middle East that we relied on for oil. In 1946, a Zionist "paramilitary," i.e., terrorist, organization called Irgun, bombed the King David hotel in Jerusalem to drive out the British troops who were staying there to pave the way for the creation of Israel. It was blamed on Arabs just like 9/11. They even admit to dressing up like Arabs and placing milk canisters made into bombs next to the support columns and joked about it in this video. In 1993, a van full of explosives parked next to one of the support columns at the World Trade Center with the hope that the tower would fall into the other tower. It didn't work, and I think that's why the PNAC was formed, so they could come up with a new plan to bring the towers down. It seems suspicious to me that Zionists would stage a terrorist attack in 1946 to pave the way for their takeover of Palestine, and then Roswell would happen the following year, and that both of these things are said to be connected to the New World Order. Truman asked Forrestal to resign for some reason, which he did on March 28, 1949. That same day, he is said to have gone into a "daze," and five days later was committed to the Bethesda Naval Hospital for "treatment" which included a week of "narcosis" with sodium amytal, which is also used as a truth serum, followed by three weeks of insulin shock therapy. His doctors considered giving him electroshock therapy or ECT, but this tends to lead to a high risk of suicide, so it wasn't done on him. Forrestal ultimately died from "suicide" anyway on May 22, 1949 with a bathrobe sash tied around his neck. This article in Psychology Today says that he was apparently trying to hang himself out of a 16th floor window and fell to his death. Why anyone who is suicidal would want hang themself out of a window that they could jump out of is beyond me. The final episode of the 2017 Netflix series, Wormwood, implies that Forresal's death was a CIA assassination. In 2016, Russia's minister of culture, Vladimir Medinsky, said that Netflix is CIA propaganda, which I believe to be true. The Church Committee in 1975 revealed that there were at least 140 "journalists" working in the media who were CIA operatives. It also revealed that the CIA had a "heart attack gun" that it used for assassinations, but a 1953 CIA manual instructs agents that "The most efficient accident, in simple assassination, is a fall of 75 feet or more onto a hard surface." Here's an awesome article about Zionist involvement in the assassination of James Forrestal by someone who has clearly done a lot of research on this.

Phil Schneider doesn't even have his own Wikipedia page, like water-powered car inventor, Stan Meyer, but is listed on one titled UFO Conspiracy Theories. The Wikipedia page for Stan Meyer is called Stanley Meyer's water fuel cell, which only serves to "debunk" an invention that he spent 20 years working on, which I blogged about here. Phil Schneider was an government contractor who worked at deep underground military bases known as DUMBS. I know of at least two underground bases in my state. One serves as the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) headquarters in Framingham, MA, and another one is a FEMA regional center in Maynard, MA. Here is a list of underground bases, but I'm sure there are more than this. There are several videos that show truckers saying that the US has an extensive highway system below ground. The driver in this video says he has taken it 1,400 miles up to Lewiston, Maine. In September 1995, Phil Schneider gave a presentation at the Preparedness Expo in which he exposed the New World Order Agenda and how it connects with extraterrestrials. He said that he was in a battle with lizard-like creatures underground who shot him in the chest with a laser weapon. He even lifts his shirt to show the scars. About six months later, he was found dead with a piano wire around his neck in what was called an "apparent suicide." Really? I don't believe it. It sounds more like an execution to me, but you don't execute people for lying, do you? Who cares if they're lying? It only matters if they are telling the truth.

There is no satisfactory explanation for civilizations in Indonesia, Mexico, and Sumer having strikingly similar pyramids, similar deities with similar "handbags," similar stories about being from another planet, and similar human sacrifice rituals other than "aliens" in my opinion. The things that people did to please these "gods" are all satanic in my opinion. The people who still do these things say that they worship Lucifer. Both Satan and Lucifer were considered to be "fallen angels" in the Bible, which means that they didn't come from earth. Some so-called "Jews" like Rabbi Michael Laitman, say that Jews are not of this world, but were sent to conquer it. You cannot be one of the "real" Jews in my opinion and say that you came from another planet. These are the "Synagogue of Satan" so-called "Jews" mentioned in Revelation 2:9 & 3:9. Not only do Jews say there were slaves in Egypt, but also in Babylon according to this Wikipedia article. which also reminds me of Revelation 2:9 which talks about Synagogue of Satan "Jews" who claim to be poor but are rich, and John 8:44 which says that the father of these people is the Devil and that they are murderers and liars. Another so-called Jew, Barbara Marx Hubbard, said that her god put her people in charge of depopulation for "planet earth." Cain is the father of the Canaanites, many of whom claim to be Jews, and Satan was the father of Cain. Tubalcain was a Canaanite considered to be the first Alchemist. His name means "spices of Cain," but when you're the son of Satan, these "spices" are likely to be poison in my opinion. There is even a company called Tuball in the Negev Desert in Israel that claims to have a 97% market share in carbon nanotubes that I believe are being used to poison us under the guise of being "drug delivery systems" for cancer among other things, which I blogged about here. Martin Luther wrote in his book, On the Jews and Their Lies 480 years ago that they have perfected the art of poisoning us, especially physicians.

There are two other things that connect to this "conspiracy theory" about subterranean creatures. One is Vril, which I blogged about here, The Nazis also had a Vril Society. Another thing is a "Greada Treaty" that Eisenhower allegedly signed with these creatures, which allows them to abduct humans in exchange for their knowledge of advanced technology. Allegedly these underground creatures used to eat cows, but developed a taste for people, especially children. The elites had a five day festival to honor these creatures called the Vril-ya Bazaar and Fete at the Royal Albert Hall in 1891, where a beef paste called Bovril was sold, which you can still buy today. I'm keeping an open mind about this until we know where the missing children are going, and there are millions every year. There was also an episode of The Twilight Zone in 1962 called To Serve Man, where aliens with knowledge of advanced technology landed on earth and tricked people into going on a vacation to their planet where they were eaten. This 60 minutes Australia segment called Satan's Children, talks about a tramp who was tricked into going to the home of an "elite" person where he was eaten in a satanic ritual. Elite simply refers to Canaanites whose supreme god was El. Another episode of The Twilight Zone called Black Leather Jackets had aliens posing as humans who were plotting to kill all of humanity by poisoning the water so they could have a world of their own, like what Maurice Samuel said in this quote. In that episode, the police were part of the same secret society, and used the mental health system as a weapon against whistleblowers. Sound familiar? Here's another very disturbing story of how the mental health system was weaponized against a man in Chicago whose children were ritually murdered in 1955. He had a mental breakdown after identifying his children and was taken to a mental health facility where he died of a heart attack. The local Jewish community gave $100,000 to his widow and mother of two of the five children who were mutilated, murdered, and dumped on the side of the road.

The "Greada Treaty," whether real or fake is being pushed by a group called The Great White Brotherhood, who also claim to be from another world. Its members included occultists Helena Blavatsky and Aleister Crowley. It is also called the Brotherhood of Light, which I believe is a reference to Lucifer, the "light bearer." It is also connected to Freemasonry. Theodor Herzl, who is considered to be the father of modern Zionism, said only Jews will understand the final objects of Freemasonry, and Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise says that Freemasonry is Jewish from beginning to end in this quote. I used to be friends on Facebook with Ralph Epperson, who wrote a book called The New World Order in 1989. He even sent me a signed copy, but we had a falling our after he gave me a tongue-lashing over the phone because I was connecting the New World Order with Jews, because the connections are clearly there. He insisted that this "Great White Brotherhood" is behind it, which I consider to be just another front for the Synagogue of Satan and its goal of controlling the world under what is being called a Great Reset, New World Order, Agenda 2030, and Moshiach. Take your pick. Here's catchy tune called We Want Moshiach Now (We Don't Want to Wait) that was presented to Chabad Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, in 1980, the same year that the Georgia Guidestones were erected by "R.C. Christian." I connect Jews to the Georgia Guidestones as well because they are the ones who say that their "god" put them in charge of depopulation for "planet earth," and also because they say that six billion idol worshipers make "god" angry every second of their lives and do not deserve to live, which includes two billion Christians (video). The Georgia Guidestones, if you don't know, called for reducing the world's population down to half a billion people, before they were destroyed in 2022. Jews have a history of erecting "monoliths" like this, like the Canaanites' Tel Dan Stele discovered in 1993. Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey also has monoliths used to control earth's inhabitants. There is also a video of Arizona Wilder who said in this interview with David Icke that she saw people shapeshift at the smell of human blood.

The 1988 movie, They Live (We Sleep) is also about alien creatures who live among us and secretly control us by hypnotizing us through television signals. There are actually patents on this. Some of the subliminal messages from the movie also appear in this National Anthem video that TV stationed used to broadcast before they signed off, like the words, obey, and consume. They Live is based on the 1963 short story, Eight O'Clock in the Morning, which had reptillian creatures posing as humans who broadcast the same subliminal message on TV over and over: "We are your friends." It also had a gun similar to the CIA's heart attack gun and tanks full of slugs. The CIA uses shellfish poison in the frozen pellets that they use in their heart attack gun.

We Are Your Friends is also the name of a 2015 movie written by Max Joseph, Meaghan Oppenheimer, and Richard Silverman, and starring Zac Efron, Wes Bentley, and Emily Ratajkowski. Wes Bentley is the only one out of them who isn't Jewish. The movie trailer talks about how people's heart rates can be manipulated using beats. Sound familiar? I think the ten people who died at the Astroworld concert died from the graphene in the vaccines that they were required to have being manipulated either through sound waves or 5G, both of which have been shown to manipulate graphene, and not in a "stampede." People don't "stampede" for no reason. I think they started dropping dead first and people naturally panicked because they didn't know what was going on. The attendees of the concert also has to pass though a mouth representing the mouth of Moloch in order to attend. They are clearly not our friends in my opinion.

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