The CDC was created in 1946 to take over DDT spraying campaigns started by the Rockefeller Foundation and the League of Nations, which John D. Rockefeller helped to create in 1920. The League of Nations became the United Nations in 1946, and created their World Health Organization in April 1948, just in time for Polio to reach epidemic status, which also happened that year. The first Director-General of the WHO, Brock Chisholm, spoke about how to "achieve world government." I was under the impression that they were concerned about public health.
When Polio became an epidemic in 1948, the CDC said that the solution to it was more DDT spraying, but they were wrong, and Polio cases continued to rise for the next four years. Also in 1948, Dr. Frederick Klenner, who had been successfully treating his Polio patients with high-dose vitamin C injections, published a paper on his findings related to this. He tried to present this to the AMA, who ignored him because they were working on a vaccine.
Fast forward to 1954, and Jonas Salk's "miracle" Polio vaccine is released. It was made from a paralysis-inducing monkey virus discovered in 1908, that was called polio virus, that was grown in diseased monkey kidney tissue and killed with formaldehyde. The diseased monkey kidney tissue contained Simian Virus 40 (SV-40) which infected millions of people and is now known to cause cancer.
Thousands of people also received poorly-tested vaccines when the testing time was reduced from a month to a couple of days during the Cutter Incident. This caused millions of people to be infected with this paralysis-inducing monkey virus which the formaldehyde had not killed.
Cutter Laboratories was bought by Bayer in 1974 who knowingly sold blood clotting factor that was tainted with HIV to third world countries that was made using technology that they had acquired from Cutter. I think it's possible that Cutter may have known that reducing the time needed to test polio vaccines from a month down to a couple of days had inherent risks and that people might be made sick this way. I also think that this whole thing reeks of a giant scam, and that there was never any proof that this "wild polio" virus used to make the vaccine was actually contagious, and the whole epidemic was likely caused by the DDT spraying itself.
Recently over 25,000 barrels that contained DDT were found dumped off the California Coast near Catalina Island. The culprits had to be the either the Rockefeller Foundation, United Nations, or the CDC, as they were the ones who put themselves in charge of spraying us with DDT so they could allegedly keep us healthy. They should have to clean it up, and be fined for doing this, but I'm sure that will never happen, and we'll end up paying for it out of our tax money if it even gets cleaned up at all.