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The Jews are not our "friends"

Writer: James GeisJames Geis

Updated: Oct 7, 2023

Why do people even think that? "We are your friends" was the subliminal message repeated over and over on television in the 1963 short story, Eight O'Clock in the Morning, which inspired the 1988 movie, They Live. Our food, air, and water are being poisoned. Even our "food's" food is being poisoned via animal feed additives made by Pfizer, Eli Lilly, and Merck, all of which have "Animal Health" divisions. Pfizer was putting arsenic in chicken feed under the brand name Roxarsone until the FDA banned it in 2015. None of this seems to be working fast enough though so we had to have a fake pandemic to speed up the process. Does anyone ever think of who is behind this? It's mostly our "friends," the Jews! They "want Moschiach now" according to this video. What do you think that means? It's the same as Klaus Schwab's Great Reset, UN's Agenda 2030, and the globalists' New World Order.

It shouldn't come as a surprise to people. Martin Luther was trying to tell people this 480 years ago in his book, On the Jews and Their Lies. He said it was mostly physicians who poisoned people, but practically everything is being poisoned now. Fluoride is a neurotoxin and carcinogen being added to our water. We have Jewish propagandist, Eddie Bernays, to thank for this. He created the ad campaigns to convince Americans that this was a good thing to do. Fluoride has never been shown to do anything other than kill brain cells and cause cancer when ingested. Dr. Dean Burk, who worked at the National Cancer Institute for 34 years said, "In point of fact, fluoride causes more human cancer death, and causes it faster than any other chemical."

Chemtrails are Coal Ash. If you still think they are just water vapor contrails that somehow doesn't dissipate, you've got some homework to do. Contrails dissipate within seconds, chemtrails don't. Pilots are now dying from Aerotoxic Syndrome because the air at that altitude is so toxic. Who is behind this? The UN, the corrupt CIA, and the power companies. Who owns the power companies? Our "friends," the Rothschilds, who call themselves Jews. They are also pulling the strings at the UN along with other globalists. The CIA runs Evergreen Air, which is said to be involved in chemtrails, and probably child trafficking as well. The name, Evergreen, seems to be like some kind of inside joke to the globalists. It's also used for Evergreen shipping, and it was Hillary Clintons Secret Service callsign. Israel had a "Stolen Babies Affair" from 1948 to 1954, but somehow hasn't been caught since then. I think that this sick practice has been outsourced to places like China and Ukraine, which wants to be a "big Israel" according to this article, and that shipping containers from Evergreen and other companies are being used to traffic children.

Listen to what Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi says about "idol worshipers" in this video and you'll get a glimpse into the minds of these psychopaths. Every President since Jimmy Carter has signed off on the Noahide Mitzvot of non-Jews on what Chabad calls Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A. It calls the the beheading of anyone who worships "idols," which includes Jesus.

Israel is a leader in 3D printed "meat," (video) and now an Israeli company called Viaqua is creating mRNA shrimp so we can get our "vaccines" through our food. Isn't that nice of them? Our "friends" the Jews worked hard on Covid "vaccines" as shown in this video. This blog website, Wix, is based in Tel Aviv and won't let me embed the video, but I can link to it. Barbara "The Babies We Eat" Marx Hubbard said that her "god" put her people in charge of depopulation for "planet earth" in this quote, and Harold Wallace Rosenthal said that the god of the Jews is Lucifer in this quote. They were both Jewish if you didn't know.

Guess who did 9/11 according to the former Director of Studies at the US Army War College, Dr. Alan Sabrosky. Our "friends" in Israel again. Turn off your TV and put your thinking cap on. The whole point of television "programs" is to program you, and tell you the the Jews are our friends and that Iran, the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and scary "viruses" are the enemy. Now it's back to Iran again. Israel's goal is for us to "bomb Iran" for them eventually. Why would they risk doing it themselves since they seem to have no problem tricking us into going to war for them?

Our "friends" attacked the USS Liberty during the Six Day War on June 8, 1967, killing 34, and wounding 174. I think they were trying to trick us into going to war for them by blaming Egypt, but they got caught. They have a history of committing terrorist acts and blaming their enemies. If you don't believe it, watch this video of the Zionist Bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946. It cleared out the British troops who were staying there and paved the way for the Zionist takeover of Palestine in 1948 which we now call Israel. The attack is eerily similar to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. The Times of Israel reported in this article that Israel had a "doomsday plan" to detonate a nuclear bomb in the Sinai Peninsula in the event that things went wrong. Remember the Doomsday Machine from Dr. Strangelove that was hooked up to a network of computers and programmed to know when it was time to destroy the world? I don't think Russia would do that. If anyone would, it would be our "friends" in Israel. It's called the Samson Option. Tel Aviv is being called the "next Silicon Valley," and an Israeli company called Amdocs keeps records of every cell phone call in the entire world.

Here is a Wikipedia article about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Israel. Israel is believed to have nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. Most of the information about Israel's nuclear capabilities were revealed by Mordechai Vanunu, a.k.a. John Crossman, a former technician at the Negev Nuclear Research Center, who spent 18 years in prison and 11 years in solitary confinement for exposing this. The Negev Desert is also home to the worlds largest carbon nanotube (graphene) factory. Carbon nanotubes can be used as drug delivery systems, but the "drug" could be almost anything, or even poison if someone wanted to use them to poison us. I believe that these graphene nanotubes clearly have the potential to be used as weapons of mass destruction if they aren't already. This Natural News article calls them a "5G Remote Kill Vector" but doesn't blame anyone for creating it. We can't fix problems like this until we identify who the real "terrorists" are. The Wikipedia article also says that the IIBR is thought to be producing chemical weapons. 190 liters of dimethyl methylphosphonate, a CWC schedule 2 chemical used in the synthesis of sarin nerve gas, was discovered in the cargo of El Al Flight 1862 after it crashed in 1992 en route to Tel Aviv. The IIBR was also working on Covid "vaccines." The former head of vaccine development at the IIBR, Shmuel Shapira, was apparently upset that Israel's $1M Genesis Prize was awarded to Pfizer's Albert Bourla for his "mediocre" vaccine according to this article in The Times of Israel. Apparently the "vaccine" being made at the IIBR bioweapons lab was much better according to Shapira.

As if all of this wasn't bad enough, BlackRock founder, Larry Fink, is buying up properties like we're in the final stages of a losing Monopoly game, and we all know how those end. One person ends up with everything, while everyone else has nothing. Sound familiar? We will own nothing, and we will eat ze bugs and have microchips implanted in our brains if we even want to eat at all, if we don't stop this nonsense. American Patriots in 1776 seemed to know how dangerous losing control of our currency was in 1764 and put America back in control in 1776, but we haven't had control of our own currency now since 1913 and JFK was the only one who did anything meaningful to try to put an and to it, but our "friends" in Israel put an end to him. They were the only ones with any real motive after JFK issued EO 11110 to circumvent the Federal Reserve and tried to stop Israel's nuclear proliferation at Dimona.



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