In 1970, Gil Scott Heron released the song, The Revolution Will Not Be Televised. America is long overdue for another Revolution. King George III took away the colonists' ability to create their own currency with the Currency Act in 1764 and started incrementally taxing the colonists with the Stamp Act and Tea Act and they knew what they had to do.
Henry Ford said 100 years ago that if Americans understood their banking and monetary system that there would be a Revolution before tomorrow morning, but is seems that too few people understand it. Why? In a word, conditioning. Former KGB Agent, Yuri Bezmenov called it Ideological Subversion.
The globalists know that if they keep turning up the heat on us slowly that we will stay in the pot and boil to death, like a frog. David Icke calls it the Totalitarian Tiptoe. We're being hypnotized into complacency and kept selfish and focused on our own gain, like the hacker said in the movie, They Live. Not many people seem to realize that most of what their kids are learning in school is to keep them enslaved to a system that they will become dependent on because they never learned how to be self sufficient, or even how to think for themselves. And all of the money that we are so busy working for will soon become worthless because that is what the World Economic Forum wants, and they have the means to do it since America gave up control over its currency in 1913. What part of "you will own nothing and you will be happy" do people not seem to get?