What is Disease X? It's a sign that the New World Order conspirators are getting desperate in my opinion. These globalist "elites" love the letter X. Facebook (I don't call it Meta) owns the rights to the company name, X, but Google has been using it for Google X since 2010, and have just been calling X since 2015, and now Twitter has taken it and just calls itself X. I don't think it will be a problem because it's apparently another thing that George Orwell got wrong in his predictions for the future. It's not called Big Brother, it's called X. Alphabet, Inc. is the "holding company" for Big Brother, er, Google, like the name of Janis Joplin's band, Big Brother and the Holding Company. There's also NASA X, SpaceX, and Xfinity, and Tesla has a Model X. According to this article, the "letter X is associated with Samekh (S) in the Hebrew alphabet, which is the symbol of a serpent (or dragon) swallowing its own tail." It also symbolizes death and rebirth into a new age. Reminds me the song, Radioactive by Imagine Dragons where it says, "Welcome to the New Age." New Age guru, David Spangler, says that everyone will have to make a pledge to worship Lucifer and take a Luciferian initiation in order to enter this New Age (link). Let's hope that we don't also become radioactive, but I guess the "Samson Option" is never completely off the table. The Times of Israel reported in this article that Israel had planned to detonate a nuclear bomb in the Sinai Peninsula if things went wrong during the Six Day War in 1967, but that would have made part of their "promised land" radioactive. I talk more about their "promised land" later. The Six Day War is also when our "friends" from Israel attacked the USS Liberty, which resulted in the deaths of 34 American servicemen, and 171 were wounded. This was four years after the short story, Eight O'Clock in the Morning, where the subliminal message, "We are your friends" was repeated over and over on television. Israel apologized for the attack, saying it was an accident, and we went right back to being "friends" again.
Bill Gates said that the next plandemic "will get attention this time." How does he know? This would be like the 1993 World Trade Center bombers saying that the next World Trade Center bombing will get our attention. It did, didn't it? And the Patriot Act appears to have been written in advance according to this article. Don't forget that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation held a pandemic preparedness conference called Event 201 about two months before the "real" pandemic emerged in Wuhan. He also says that our response to his plandemic was woefully inadequate, which helps to set the stage for the UN's Pandemic Treaty, which allows the UN to step in and function as government in the event of another plandemic. Here is a video from a UN conference in August, 2019, less than two months before Event 201, where a UN representative said that the United States Constitution does not apply to them on US soil. If you're on US soil and claim that the Constitution doesn't apply to you, then you are either a foreign invader or a domestic enemy, period.

The next invasion on US soil will be by UN dogooders, er, peacekeepers, who you won't be able to fight or it will make you the bad guy and/or terrorist in the court of public opinion, or at least in the "opinion" of the local police and National Guard, at least that's the plan. Henry Kissinger said that "What we in America call a terrorist is just someone who rejects the International System," i.e., New World Order, in this quote. He also said that when faced with the unknown, people will willingly relinquish their rights to the New World Order. He even talks about depopulation and Americans welcoming the UN to protect us from an unknown threat. Check out his quotes page on AZ Quotes. There are too many good ones to list. He even wrote a book called World Order.
According to this Bloomberg article, The WHO, which is just a branch of the UN, added Disease X in 2017 to a short list of pathogens deemed a top priority for research,' which is absolutely ridiculous because you can't research something that has never existed. What's there to research? They're researching how to create the next pandemic in my opinion, and the options they have come up with are so ridiculous that they might as well just call it Cooties instead of Disease X. Here is the list of what's being considered for the next plandemic with my comments in parentheses:
Covid-19, (fear factor = 0)
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, (it's spread by ticks, so it's going to have to start raining ticks for that to work)
Ebola virus disease and Marburg virus disease, (spread by contact with bodily fluids)
Lassa fever, (spread by contact with infected animals, i.e., rats)
Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and SARS, (MERS is spread by contact with infected animals, i.e., camels. 80% of cases were confined to Saudi Arabia according to this article. SARS is just the precursor to "Covid" which has lost its "fear factor.")
Nipah and henipaviral diseases, (spread by contact with infected animals, i.e., pigs and bats, respectively)
Rift Valley fever, (spread by contact with infected animals and/or mosquitoes. According to the CDC "The virus spreading from person to person has not been documented")
Zika, (a mostly harmless, Rockefeller-patented, virus that most people dont even know they have when they have it, whose harmful effects likely come from the pesticide used to prevent it IMO. I believe that the Rockefeller Foundation did the same thing with polio and DDT. They helped to create the CDC in 1946 in order to take over the DDT spraying operations that they started, and the polio epidemic was in full swing in 1947.) (video)
Disease X (does not exist, it's being used to create fear of the unknown)
In other words, the plandemic conspirators have nothing new to scare us with, and you can't create a scary plandemic with a disease that's only spread through human or animal contact. They have nothing. There are rumors about the upcoming October 4 Emergency Broadcast test which people are saying could trigger the release of toxins held in the graphene that was injected into the vaccinated, but that remains to be seen. The technology to do that definitely exists though according to this scientific paper about carbon nanotubes and graphene, which are the same substances in different shapes. being used as drug delivery systems. Natural News also has an article on this called 5G Remote Kill Vector. If they don't do it on October 4, they could always do it later.

Who is the world's largest producer of carbon nanotubes with a 97% market share you ask? It's none other than our "friends" in Israel. With "friends" like these, who needs "terrorists" with WMD factories in the Middle East? Come to think of it, maybe they are the terrorists with the WMD factories that we went to war for 8 years, 8 months and 26 days to find but never did. It's estimated that over one million people died in the Iraq War, but like the Jewish Holocaust, we may never know the true number of deaths, but if you question the six gorillon, er, million, figure that Jews have been using since 1915 according to this video, then you're an anti-Semitic bigot and should be thrown in jail like 93 year old Ursula Haverbeck from Germany. Maybe we invaded the wrong country after 9/11 and those "dancing Israelis" should have tipped us off as to who the real terrorists are. The famous CGI video of an aluminum plane slicing though 14 inch thick steel columns like a hot knife through butter that was shown over and over on television was taken by Michael Hezarkani, a Jewish diamond merhant from Los Angeles, who happened to be at Ground Zero on 9/11 with his video camera, just like Abraham Zapruder, a Jewish immigrant from Ukraine, happened to be at Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963 to film JFK being shot. And in yet another coincidence, AP photographer, Richard Drew, photographed both the "falling man" on 9/11 and the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy.

According to the former Director of Studies at the US Army War College, Dr. Alan Sabrosky, Israel did 9/11 in this video. General Wesley Clark says that the wars in the Middle East had already been planned in advance in this video. Planned by whom, and for who's benefit? Maybe it was our "friends" again who believe that their "promised land," i.e., Greater Israel, includes Jordan and Kuwait and parts of Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. Here's an article about the "other 9/11" referring to 9/11/1990 when George Bush Sr. said, "Out of these troubled times, a New World Order can emerge" in response to the invasion of Kuwait (video). The 1982 manifesto, A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties talks about Israel taking over the Middle East by breaking it up into smaller states and dissolving all Arab states. It also talks about nuclear war with Russia being used, which almost happened the following year during the 1983 Soviet Nuclear False Alarm Incident. Volodymyr Zelenskyy even said in this Haaretz article that he wants Ukraine to be a "big Israel' with its own face" whatever that means. Let me know your thoughts.
