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Why do people hate thinking so much?

Writer's picture: James GeisJames Geis

Today is Labor Day. I was going to say that Labor Day is a joke, along with every other US holiday, but the thing that makes our holidays a joke is that hardly anyone wants to think about why we have them or what they mean. They seem to think it's their patriotic duty to celebrate holidays by drinking and partying, and "enjoying themselves," but not by asking questions about them because we're conditioned to think that asking questions will make you a troublemaker, or that talking about politics is "unladylike," which is an idea that was being promoted by the Rockefellers. Mary Harris "Mother" Jones said, "No matter what the fight, don't be ladylike! God almighty made women and the Rockefeller gang of thieves made the ladies." I remember being made to feel like a troublemaker for "asking too many questions" in school but I didn't care. Now most of my classmates who didn't ask questions are the ones lining up to get vaccinated for "Covid," despite this clearly being one of the "new vaccines" that Bill Gates said he wanted to use to lower the population in this 2010 TED Talk called Innovating to Zero, and yes, he really did mean what he said. The fact that there are "fact checkers" who say that he didn't really mean this is evidence that most people have no capacity to think for themselves. The "fact checkers" said what he really meant is that when people in developing countries have healthier children due to his "vaccines," then they tend to have fewer children, and that this will help to lower the population. You honestly have to be a freaking mongoloid to believe that, no offense to mongoloids. People worship pagan symbols on Christmas and Easter and don't even know why. Then they will get upset with you if you tell them they are worshiping pagan symbols, as if it's your fault for ruining their illusion. Jeremiah 10 in the Bible says that cutting a tree from the forest, standing it up in your house, and decorating it with silver and gold is the way of the heathen. People will even try to argue with you and say that it couldn't possibly be talking about the Christmas trees that they "love," but it clearly is. What other kind of tree do people cut down, fasten with a stand in their house, and decorate with silver and gold? Even if people do think about why we celebrate a particular holiday, they usually fail to realize that the struggles that people fought for our freedom and labor rights are ONGOING and that the only way to truly honor the sacrifices they made is to CONTINUE FIGHTING for what they fought for, so that our children can enjoy the same freedom, or even more freedom, than we had, which is clearly not the case now, and not to rest on our colletive laurels, i.e., accomplishments. My mother told me I was resting on my laurels once and I asked her what she thought that meant and she said, "sitting on your ass." You don't fight once and you're done. That's not how it works. We fought the British in 1776 and had to fight them again in 1812. Then they seemed to realize that the best way to bring us under their control is to destroy us financially from within so we wouldn't notice, because that's what's been happening since then. They gave us the illusion that we won, but the Treaty of Paris in 1783 that officially ended the war, gave the Tories their land rights back, so they came out of hiding in Canada and came back to "Tory Row," now Brattle Street, in Cambridge, MA, and other places, to be our domestic enemies again. Harvard seemed to go on a huge land grab during this time, acquiring some of the best land all across New England. One of the main reasons for the Civil War in my opinion was for the bankers to use the debt this would cause as a means to bring us under their control. The best way to fight this ongoing battle in my opinion is to end the Fed and cut these corrupt bankers loose. In other words, to "kill the Bank" like Andrew Jackson said was his greatest accomplishment, and what could have been JFK's greatest accomplishment under EO 11110 if he hadn't been assassinated. We don't owe the Federal Reserve crooks anything on their debt scam because it's fraud, and people like the Forbes family should have the assets that they bought with their opium money, like the Elizabeth Islands off the coast of Massachusetts, forfeited, because that's how it works for ordinary citizens, and why should they be any different? The American Revolution was fought mostly to regain the control of our currency that King George III took away with the Currency Act of 1764, but most people don't seem to realize this either, because we are being taught to focus on the Tea Act and Stamp Act as the reasons, but these were just nuisances that served as catalysts for the war. The thing that was the most damaging was losing control of our currency. This happened to us again in 1913, but so far Americans haven't gotten upset enough to do anything about it, and that's the plan. I hate it when people whose minds have been infected with New Age BS tell me that "what you focus on, grows" so only focus on good things, as if wanting to stop the New World Order is a bad thing. The whole point of the New Age movement is to create this kind of complacency to pave the way for the Luciferian New World Order, and it is Luciferian according to New Age guru, David Spangler, who said, "No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation." Where would we be if people in 1776 were so focused on themselves that they just shut up and paid their taxes and did what they were told, but that's what we're doing now. The globalists want to continue to keep us dumbed down and distracted while our currency is being devalued so we can "own nothing and be happy" for the Great Reset/New World Order/Agenda 2030/Moshiach, which are all the same thing in my opinion: total control over the 99% by a 1% of wealthy banking parasites that we call elites. Elite is just a reference to Canaanites who worshiped El and sacrificed children, like they still do today. The Federal Reserve is a never-ending debt scam where every dollar they create represents a debt that we pay interest on via the interest-bearing Treasury Bonds that the US Treasury gives the Fed to create our currency. You can't pay this "debt" back in dollars as every dollar represents more debt, so what are we supposed to pay it with? In 1933, it was our gold, next time it will be our houses. These Treasury Bonds we pay the Fed with are the "transfer payments" we pay interest on via income taxes mentioned in the Grace Commission Report. It also says that this is where 100% of our income taxes go. It's a total joke. Here is the most important quote from the report in my opinion:

"With two thirds of everyone's personal income taxes wasted or not collected, 100 percent of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the federal debt and by federal government contributions to transfer payments. In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services that taxpayers expect from their government."

This is what we need to fight against, even if it means having another Revolution. If we learned anything from history, we should know this by now.

You're probably thinking, "what does this have to do with Labor Day?" We literally work three months, or one quarter of the year just to pay this interest that we shouldn't be paying to a private corporation masquerading as government. On Labor Day, we are supposed to honor the people who fought and died so that we could have the privilege of working five days a week instead of six, and eight hours a day instead of 10 or 12. Imagine working 72 hours a week in a textile mill for 15 cents an hour during a time when 1/3 of workers died before age 25 due to unsafe working conditions. There were no labor laws, so kids were allowed to work in these dangerous jobs. Imagine if no one fought for these rights that most of us take for granted now. Twenty people died in the Ludlow Massacre because John D. Rockefeller, Jr. had the National Guard called in and these morons thought that they had the right to shoot striking workers in America and set their tents on fire no doubt because they were just doing their job. If we end the Fed, we won't "need" the IRS because they're just collecing interest money we shouldn't even be paying in the first place. The Fed is a private corporation with an illegal monopoly on our currency. Standard Oil was ordered to break up its illegal monopoly on gas and oil in 1911, and At&T was ordered to break up its illegal monopoly on telephone service in 1982. The court system will never order the Fed to break up because they're in bed together. Our birth certificates fraudulently create a corporation using our name in all capital letters that is used as collateral on the Fed's debt scam. This is documented in the Woodrow Wilson Papers, where it said that only one man in a million would ever figure this out, and if someone did, they had "plausible deniability" on their side, meaning they would just gaslight you, which is what they do. The court system uses this scam to trick people into representing this corporation that they own which has no Constitutional rights. They make judgements against this corporation that the police will enforce because they don't understand the scam either. You can't be a smart cop, because if you do too well on the entrance exam, they won't hire you. The IRS just hired 87,000 new goons, er, agents and is arming themselves to the teeth. They are literally an armed collection agency to a private corporation masquerading as government. If Bitcoin hired armed goons to collect fees people would be outraged, but the IRS does it with impunity. They have killed people in shootouts in their own homes and even imprisoned them for what amounted to a life sentence for Irwin Schiff, and people just shrug their shoulders and say, "They should have paid their taxes." Really? To a private corporation masquerading as government that keeps the money for themselves? Rolling over in the face of tyranny is not a "quality" that America was founded on. One of the things that makes me so upset about this is that these people have little to no support so it's easy for the elites to beat them down like the moles in a Whack-A-Mole game when we try to stand up one at a time. We need to stand up together. If you need proof that elites create BS jobs for each other, look no further than Bob Fenton, Biden's "National Monkeypox Response Coordinator" who was sent to Maui BEFORE THE FIRES to lead Maui's long-term recovery efforts. Long-term recovery from what? The fires hadn't even started yet. Who's supposed to coordinate monkeypox response now? Maybe the elites decided not to have a monkeypox plandemic and are sticking with "wildfires" for now. That seems to be the most plausible explanation for this. If we eliminate the Fed and IRS, we could work 30 hours a week with the same income we have now with a 40 hour work week. Granted, thousands of people at the IRS would lose their jobs, but this would be like the people who worked for the Brawndo Corporation in the movie, Idiocracy, who lost their jobs when Brawndo sales dropped after people stopped watering their plants with Brawndo and switched back to water (like out the toilet). It's not just about being able to work less with the same pay, these creatures (from Jekyll Island) who hijacked our monetary system in 1913 have big plans for us by 2030 and none of them are good. They want us to "eat ze bugs" and get a microchip implanted in our brain. People are now coming down with strange allergic reactions to beef, and other people are reporting that the meat from the grocery store is now magnetic. It's not from the iron content either. Meat is not supposed to be magnetic, but it is. Take a magnet to the store with you and see it for yourself like I did. Historically the elite bankers have created financial chaos like the Panic of 1907 which led to support for the Federal Reserve System in 1913, and stock market crash of 1929 which led to the Great Depression. The most influential opposers to the Federal Reserve were lured onto the Titanic and killed in 1912. They actually tried a New World Order coup in 1933 when they tried to hire retired Marine Corps General, Smedley Butler, to use his Bonus Army to overthrow FDR and install a fascist dictatorship, but he only pretended to go along with it long enough to find out who was involved and then backed out. People like to call this "Business Plot" a "conspiracy theory," but Smedley Butler said it himself and I don't think he would have lied about it. I'm surprised that Wikipedia calls it a conspiracy, which is was, and not a "conspiracy theory," but unfortunately those terms have become synonymous in the minds of most people. Also in 1933, FDR ordered all "persons" to deliver their gold to the nearest Federal Reserve office or face ten years in prison because America had gone bankrupt to the Federal Reserve, and this was the whole reason it was implemented. It didn't mean human beings, but the corporate "person" created by our birth certificate. The Fed is a financial time bomb for the destruction of America. That's all it's ever been. It essentially set us up for the controlled demoltion of our financial system when the time is right, which the globalists thought was going to be 1933. Now it's 2030. It turned our monetary system into a Monopoly game that we can never win short of ending the Fed. This is the tyrannical government that the Declaration of Independence said that we not only have a right to overthrow, but it is our duty to do so. The globalists' plan is for us to "own nothing and be happy," and for all of us to have a microchip implanted in our brain by 2030. Elon Musk already has the brain surgery robots ready to go for this. It will be the end of our freedom forever if we remain complacent and let it happen. The only thing that gives these people any control over us at all is that we allowed them to take control of our currency and haven't done anything about it in 110 years. It only took 12 years before people realized how dangerous King George III was to their freedom and had a Revolution to stop it. I don't know why it's taken us so long to realize that we can either end the Fed, or they are going to end our freedom by 2030.

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